Character Creation

Creating a character is relatively easy, you may choose to begin as either a Human, or a Dasarin. All new players must begin as a Cadet with no special features beyond standard equipment which will be provided by our default avatars. This is to help standardize what you as a player should expect for the feel of equipment and weapons when it comes to earning a custom player model.


  1. Only Human or Dasarin (Do not use Wrech or Hellhound unless given permission).
  2. Must begin as Cadet unless given permission otherwise.
  3. Must accept using default, provided avatars starting out.

Starting Equipment:
For more info/details, please se Unit Equipment.

  • One primary weapon.
  • One secondary weapon.
  • Melee weapon.
  • Basic anomalous/environment scanner.
  • Environmentally protective armor/masked air-filtering helmet.

Character Sheet:

Discord Name:
VRChat Name:


(Name), (Race), (Age)
Class: (If/once applicable)
Rank: (Total present Commendations)
Special Abilities: (If applicable)